
The European Association of psychomotor practice and training schools

The European Association of psychomotor practice and training schools


The European Association of psychomotor practice and training schools – ASEFOP – is a nonprofit association, which is sited in Brussels. It gathers some schools, which develop the Aucouturier psychomotor practice to organise and coordinate the training about it as well as to guarantee rigorous and scientific standards.

Bernard Aucouturier and some other psychomotor trainers founded the ASEFOP in 1986 in Esneux (Belgium). They met yearly since 1980 and they had already created schools in Italy, Spain, Belgium and Portugal.

Nowadays there are 8 schools teaching the ASEFOP program in 5 European countries. Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy and Portugal.

The ASEFOP continuously develops its activity through these schools, which are the main showcase for the ASEFOP repercussion.

These days we can say with plenty of satisfaction that ASEFOP is the European Association, which has the largest educational experience on the psychomotor field. Its influence also reaches some countries in Central and South America.

They are thousands the people trained in our schools who spread through the practice a different way to understand to the kid who grows up, laughs, shouts and moves. In conclusion we have been very long time training professional staff on an infantile development viewpoint in which the body and the movement become a former part in the psychological maturing of the child.

Our objectives are:

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Years of Experience

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ASEFOP and Aucouturier Psychomotor Practice:

ASEFOP is mainly represented abroad through the activities of its Schools and its Trainers who carry out intense training activities in their respective countries.

But as an Association it also has a life of its own, regularly organizing conferences, seminars and lectures on current issues addressed in the light of the discourse of Psychomotor Practice.

Internally, the central activity that constitutes the essence of the Association's life is undoubtedly the International Stage for Trainers.


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